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M4 석궁 (M4 Tactical Crossbow)

Anyone can take out zombies with a shotgun to the face, but it takes a truly skilled marksman to put one down with a cross bow. In fact it’s the reason we believe Daryl Dixon is the biggest badass on the Walking Dead. If arrows were the weapon of choice, there is no better choice than the M4 180lb Tactical Crossbow.

While there are more primitive crossbows on the market, we prefer to infuse our weapons with a bit of modern technology. The folks at Tactical Tech Zone have rolled out this beauty, equipped with a ton of nifty features like red dot sight, scope for more accurate aiming, Blue SWAT light attachments, and even an LED flashlight to what’s lurking around those dark corners. If arrows aren’t your thing, this bad boy also comes equipped with a 180 steel ball magazine, all packaged within a sleek carrying case for easy transport.